Monday, September 20, 2010

Continuous Dawn

I felt worn out
I was washed away
I trembled of the fear
Wrestling through the way

My nerves were loosing strength
My senses were fading away
I was about to sink
And my heart got mislay

I turned up to the scriptures
I went through the bible
I clammed up all the suffering
Focusing what HE had to say

That was a ray of hope
This knew me in n out
And I saw Jesus claiming
His love won’t ever go gray

I promised not to sin
I apologized the one on Altar
And here I am today
Shining like a Star


  1. "And I saw Jesus claiming
    His love won’t ever go gray"

    --- Beautiful. Love can mean different things to different people and love at its ultimate peak is an all encompassing kindness. Nice poem.

  2. hmmmmm

    what to say, you always write beautifully ...

    touching as usual....

  3. great dear poet.... i cud feel the emotions ur words r conveying... but wen u stressed dat u focussed on HIM n u saw a ray of hope, jesus coming out... ahhaaa... n then u promised of leaving sin & apologised... her u r shining like star...
    bless u ani...
