Praying is nothing but “Talking to God”. It is telling God how much he means to us, it is telling him how thankful we are to him for giving us this life, it is telling him how much we are indebted to him for his grace on us. It is communicating with him about what we need from him, it is discussing our happiness and sorrows with him. It is asking him for harmony, peace and love. It is not time bound. An individual can pray anytime, day or night, any season, any occasion, any moment. Just close you eyes, imagine God standing in front of you and start conversing. Iv realized there is lot of Power in Praying. Think that God is listening to you for whatever you are saying. Think that he is going to grant you what you are asking from him. Expect positive results. Think that you have received what you have asked for. But to think all these while praying an individual should have one thing in him and that is “Faith”. Faith in God, Faith that he is the giver, he is the Father of this universe and we are his children and he will do that is best for us. When we place ourselves in his holy feet and place our faith entirely in him our Prayer becomes more powerful. Our prayer reaches him directly and He, Our Father, gives us what we ask for. He bestows Peace, Love, Happiness, Harmony, Strength, Courage, and Patience and blesses us with more Power of Praying. We should make it a habit of talking to God, praying him irrespective of time, not only when we need something from him but anytime and everytime to thank him for what all he has given us.
“Realize that when we are praying we are talking to the most Powerful Person in this entire Universe.”