Read an article some time back, would like to share here, as the questions raised there were the ones those are in everybody’s heart and mind. The difference is, at times they come out and most of the times they are buried inside un raised and unanswered. They are figured out as simple ones but are profound indeed.
1. Whom should one regard as the most important person?
2. What should be deemed to be the most important work or action in life?
3. Which should be taken to be the most opportune moment in life?
Before answering let me interrupt here. I am a “Sai Baba” devotee and trust him blindly. There isn’t any truth except him. Trust me “Baba” is miraculous. I never trust the stars; I trust the one who made them. Iv read some religious books and read about Baba’s magic. Although I agree to all his preaching’s but can’t implement all of them in my life.
Now, why iv mentioned this here, you will learn it later.
Ok, let me answer the questions now.
1. One should treat the person before one as the most important one. It implied that the person confronting you deserves to be treated properly and with due regard so that S/he returns fairly satisfied after meeting you.
2. The most important work or undertaking is the one that you have in hand right now. Put your heart, mind and soul into finishing the task.
3. On coming to the question as to which is the most important time, the present moment should be treated as the most opportune one. It is the meeting point of 2 eternities- the vast past that is gone and the unknown future.
All the answers seemed to be so simple as if driving on a road as smooth as butter but it is hard to implement.
Somebody asked a last question that if success was the most important thing in life? And I was as pleased as I can with the answer. It goes like, “Success is indeed a man’s chief business in life, but remember that Achievement is above Success and Reputation above Celebrity Status”.
New Year is just a day away, lets all make it a point that we keep in mind the words to the last question (as I myself cannot go completely by the answers to the first 3 questions :-) ) and lead our lives accordingly.
Another Day, another Month, another Year, another Smile, another Tear, another Winter, A Summer too, But there will never be Another You. Be Honest, Be Wise..